Frequently Asked Questions

1)How do I get in touch with you?

My e-mail is edith@mossbrookfiberarts.com.   You can join our group on Ravelry: Moss Brook Fiber Arts.  My business phone is 978-435-2667.

2) How many students do you have per class?

The limit is 8, usually we have 6 or fewer.

3) Do I need a private lesson?

You can work on anything in a Knit and Crochet with a Teacher class; including learning to knit or crochet.  If you decide you want a private lesson, they cost $35.00 an hour and I may set a minimum of 1-2 hours, depending on travel time.

3) Do you do finishing or repair?

Yes.  I charge $30 per hour, with a $30 minimum, and will take jobs based on my availability.  I will do my best to estimate how long it will take and will let you know if I am going beyond the time estimate.

4) Will you schedule special classes?

Yes.  Let me know what you are interested in and I can try to schedule that class on a 4th Saturday, or if you have a group of friends who are interested I can schedule a class for you at your choice of location.

5) I need supplies to learn to knit or crochet; can you help?

I like to recommend Local Yarn Shops, though I do sell a limited supply of tools and yarn, along with learn to knit or crochet kits.  Let me know if you would like to purchase one.

6) I see muslin bags and Yarn and Soul yarn on your website—what are they?

I bought the Yarn and Soul line from Classic Elite Yarns and import it from Peru.  I only have Superfine 400, which is a lovely fingering weight alpaca, available in 100 g hanks and in 250 g multi-color braids.  I also stamp and sell muslin bags, both custom and some stock images.

7) How do I pay for classes online?

Use the link on the particular class page.

If you need to pay for a Zoom private 1/2 hour class,  use this link:




If you need to pay for a $21 class, use this link: